Tag: Microsoft

  • “He Can’t Win”

    ???He Can???t Win??? via Daring Fireball by John Gruber on 4/9/10Cringely, quoting Bill Gates from 1998: ???What I can???t figure out is why he (Steve Jobs) is even trying (to be the CEO of Apple)? He knows he can???t win.??? ???

  • Novell congratulates itself for selling soul to Microsoft

    With a few blog posts by top execs, Novell ended out 2007 by admitting that cozying up with a monopolist, predatory company and invalidating all that is open source …was a great idea. Hey, they made off like a bandit with some sorely needed cash; who cares what the long term effects are on the…

  • Microsoft to Novell: Respect

    Statements yesterday from Novell and Microsoft sought to clarify and repair relations between the new friends, damaged by Steve Ballmer’s comments last week. The heads of Novell fired off an angry letter in response to Ballmer that contained: We disagree with the recent statements made by Microsoft on the topic of Linux and patents. Importantly,…